4 Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Summer Date Night Edition

The weather is finally getting nicer and many of us are spending our evenings with friends or dating prospects checking out the latest restaurants and happy hour spots. Alcohol consumption for many may peak in the summer months, but it is still crucial to get a good night’s sleep! 

Here are four tips to ensure you get a good night’s sleep while still having fun at night!


While this may be easier said than done, it is important to try and stay consistent when you are going to sleep each night. Many of us have earlier bedtimes during the workweek and it is critical to try and keep that schedule. No one wants to be the one to say no to a date, especially when it is a new prospect, but try and keep week dates on the earlier side or only stay for 1-2 drinks!


If you’re looking for a new product to try and catch some zzzzs, consider trying Beam’s Dream Powder hot cocoa, a delicious and healthy CBD powder that actually works! The powder contains ingredients such as L-theanine, magnesium, and Beam’s Nano CBD and is a great drink to sip on while you wind down into your nightly routine. 

I truly look forward to drinking it at night, especially knowing that it helps me fall and stay asleep! It is extremely easy to make– just add one scoop of the powder to your milk of choice, froth and drink! It tastes just like hot chocolate without the calories and added sugar, which is hard to find in similar products. Beam’s Dream Powder is the only product out there that has not contributed to next day grogginess and leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to start your day!


During the summer months it may be harder to stick to a normal workout routine, but making sure you get some sort of exercise can be extremely beneficial. Whether it is scheduling a few workout classes a week or going on walks with friends it is important to try and keep some sort of fitness routine. The right form of exercise helps to lower stress and for those who may not feel their best after consuming alcohol, it is important to make time for movement!


In order to get a better night’s sleep and lessen the chance for a hangover the next day, stick to drinks that are lower in sugar. While it may be fun to have a sugar-y filled drink once in-a-while, your body will thank you for choosing a better option during the week, such as a tequila soda with lime juice and a splash of your favorite juice!

Alexis Wolfe